End Result: A proxy server performing web-cache and implementing time based restrictions.
Proxy Server: linuxbox5 (
Proxy Server Port: 8080
Alowed Time: 9:00 AM to 09:00 PM
Perform al steps given above under the heading “Simple Web-cache Setup with Squid”. And do the
additional steps given below.
# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf
Add folowing ACL line
acl timechk time 09:00-21:00
Above this line
acl internal src
And change folowing line
htp_access alow internal
htp_access alow internal timechk
timechk : ACL name.
time: ACL type is time. Means we have set group of times and based on these time
groups we wil alow or deny clients.
htp_access alow internal timechk:
Tells squid to implement time restrictions on clients what belongs to internal group
(whose source IP addres is in between – 253)
Save and exit and restart service.
# service squid restart
hi i want to block some websites like facebook gmail orkut in office timing(9.00am:5.00pm) for all user in my lan. ( can you tell me the steps how to do that settings.