April 25, 2009

Bandwidth Management !!!!!!!

End Result:
A proxy server with bandwidth management assigning 256Kbps to two clients and
64Kbps to al other users of network.


Proxy Server: linuxbox5 (
Proxy Server Port: 8080
Bandwidth Group1: and (256Kbps)
Bandwidth Group2: (64Kbps) Except and

Perform al steps given above under the heading “Simple Web-cache Setup with Squid”. And do the
additional steps given below.

# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

acl bw256k src
acl bw256k src

Above these lines

acl internal src
htp_access alow internal

In delay pool section add folowing.

delay_pools 2
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 32000/32000 -1/-1
delay_access 1 alow bw256k

delay_class 2 2
delay_parameters 2 8100/8100 -1/-1
delay_access 2 alow internal

delay_pools 2 : There are two types of setings / groups of people one delay pool handle one
type of setings that’s y define two delay pool.

delay_class 1 2: Delay pool 1 belongs to delay clas 2. There are three delay classes. In class we
can limit bandwidth for only subnet. In class 2 we can configure bandwidth for a
client and subnet as wel. And in clas 3 we can configure bandwidth for a client
and subnet and complete network.

delay_parameters 1 32000/32000 -1/-1:
For delay pool 1 we are providing 32000/32000 (256Kbps OR 32000 Kilo Bytes)
for one user min and max 256Kbps. -1/-1 means no limit on network.

delay_access 1 alow bw256k:
We are alowing bw256k ( & group/ACL to use
setings of delay pool 1.

Save and exit and restart service.

# service squid restart

1 comment:

  1. i have cent os acting as server installed with squid 2.6 with public ip and i have split with private through another lan card in so inside my office i have a xp client i need to give some bandwidth restriction to some user only.
