April 24, 2009

Configuration of Master DNS Server


FQDN name: server.chd.edu

Domain name : chd.edu

Hostname : server

IP address:

Clients name : stand1, stand2, stand3

Clients ip:,,


):- First of all, install the following packages from your linux dvd

# yum install bind* cachi*

):- Open /etc/named.rfc1912.zone and edit the following lines

# vim /etc/named.rfc1912.zone ßBase configuration file for caching name server

Zone “ chd.edu ” IN {

Type Master;

File “forward”;

Allow-update { none; };


Zone “ 24.172.in-addr.arpa” IN {

Type master ;

File “reverse”;

Allow-update { none; }

):- save and exit the file

):- check the above edited file with the following command

# named-checkconf /etc/named.rfc1912.zone

):- Now open the following file and make some changes

# vim /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf ßConfiguration file that lists the location of all your domain zone files

Listen-on port 53 {; };

Allow-query { any; };

Match –clients { any; };

Match-destination { any; };

):- save and exit the file

):- check the above file with following command

# named-checkconf /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf

):- Now create two files forward and reverse in /var/named/chroot/var/named and change their group from root to named

# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named

# touch forward reverse

# chgrp named forward

# chgrp named reverse

):- Now copy the file localhost.zone into forward and reverse file

):- Now open both forward and reverse file one by one and don’t delete the above lines

# vim forward

$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA @ root(
42 ; serial

3H ; refresh

15M ; retry

1w ; expiry

1D) ; minimum

################## CHANDIGARH NAME SERVER#########################################

@ IN NS server.chd.edu.

#####################CHANDIGARH NAME SERVER ADDRESS##############################

Server.chd.edu. IN A

#################### CLIENT ADDRESS RECORD #########################

Stand1 IN A

Stand2 IN A

Stand3 IN A

):-- save and exit the file

):-- Now check the file with the following command

# named-checkzone chd.edu forward

# vim reverse

$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA @ root(
42 ; serial

3H ; refresh

15M ; retry

1w ; expiry

1D) ; minimum

################## CHANDIGARH NAME SERVER#########################################

@ IN NS server.chd.edu.

####################CHANDIGARH NAME SERVER ADDRESS#############################

254 IN PTR server.chd.edu.

####################CLIENT ADDRESS RECORD########################################

1 IN PTR stand1.chd.edu.

2 IN PTR stand2.chd.edu.

3 IN PTR stand3.chd.edu.

):- save and exit the file and again check the file

# named-chechzone chd.edu reverse

):- start the named service and to check if dns is working use the DIG command

# service named restart

# chkconfig named restart

# dig server.chd.edu.

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